

Term Project: Using the knowledge and information gained in this course, design a new product or service to be introduced into a foreign market of your choice Or Marketing an existing product/service to a foreign market. Use a PowerPoint with voiceover and post on Blackboard.

You have to show detailed information about the product using imagines, drawings, prototypes etc.. The market population target, competitive analysis, and the price in the local currency are required. Introducing a product available elsewhere in the world to the U.S. market is also acceptable. The presentation should be between 15-25 slides, informative, well organized. The grade will be based on the clarity and quality of the slides, thoroughness, information content. Avoid material that does not provide helpful information to the audience.
Rubric for term project:
Make sure to include the topics below in your project
– Competitive analysis. Are there substitutes competing goods/services available?
– Substitute goods/services pricing
Consumer demographic of the current substitute of the goods/services
– Your product/service consumer target demographic
– If no substitute available, what shadow prices do you use to establish your price.
For example, using milk price to decide on soy milk price or price of scooters to decide on electric bike. – Sales/revenue projection – Production and distribution startegy

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