Consider the use of partnerships with customers to improve competitiveness. Discuss this within a group scenario using the following guidelines: a Make a list of companies in your chosen company’s industry known to undertake supplier development. This should include all its customers and other companies that are potential customers. b Make a list of all the types of development and improvement that your chosen company would like help with. c Assemble these lists along the two sides of a grid, following the example shown in Figure 8.22. Mark on the grid where each of the companies is able to provide the necessary help. d Examine the grid you have constructed and identify the following: ● issues that require help that current customers provide; ● issues that require help that only potential customers provide; ● issues that require help that no one provides; ● customers (current or potential) that provide a great deal of help; ● customers (current or potential) that provide little or no help. e Use these five criteria as the basis for identifying companies that should be valuable in ensuring your company’s long-term success. These companies are the ones that should be considered as likely partners. f Having identified the likely partners, identify the difficulties in establishing partnerships and the problems in maintaining them. g Conclude with the actions that you would undertake to overcome the problems associated with partnerships in order to achieve their advantages.
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