

BPW’s primary method of shipping the specialty fasteners, packaging supplies, and bearings from their supplier in Montreal is via TL or LTL service. BPW typically orders in LTL quantities. The Montreal supplier has indicated that if BPW orders in TL quantities, the supplier will pay the freight expense. Presently, when ordering in LTL quantities, the freight costs are billed to BPW. BPW prefers ordering in LTL quantity as their inventory level has often been larger than desired, but are concerned with the freight expense if they do move exclusively to LTL quantity. The Montreal supplier has agreements with several LTL carriers, however you have seen the product classified at different levels with each of the carriers over time. The internal management team has asked that you prepare a brief report that talks about the impacts of different classification levels and also the opportunity to move exclusively to TL quantities to avoid paying the LTL freight expense. Specifically, you have been asked to: 1. Discuss the impacts of a change in product classification. 2. Discuss the impacts of a change from LTL to TL service on the product and the organization (aside from cost). Your Assignment Your response should be approximately 1,000 words and contain a brief introduction, your analysis and recommendation, and finally a conclusion. You can use the Word template provided on your course site to get started. For this assignment, you do not need to include a cover page, table of content, or executive summary. However, you are encouraged to include appendices of reference material where appropriate (.e. computation tables or reference material not required in the discussion portion of your submission),

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