

The Attached report shows the performance for Hotel XYZ for 2012 and 2013. Hotel XYZ is a luxury resort with mostly leisure business.

After looking at this report, please answer the following questions:

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  • What is the mix of business for this hotel for 2017 and 2018.
  • What was the Total YOY( year over year) growth? Was the growth driven by Room nights? ADR? both?
  • Which segment drove this growth or decline? Transient or group?
  • Which sub-segment within Transient and Group drove the growth or decline? Please explain both.
  • Hotel XYZ overall strategy for next year(2019) is to grow rate without significantly increasing room nights. How can you shift your segmentation to achieve this.
2012 2013
Rms Rate Rev Rms Rate Rev
Retail 14,413 894.80 12,896,723 14,090 888.12 12,513,626
Qualified 7,530 831.31 6,259,727 5,638 807.66 4,553,604
Negotiated 10,194 454.67 4,634,866 10,140 544.29 5,519,151
Discount 7,525 553.57 4,165,599 7,636 565.06 4,314,790
Wholesale 7,734 452.15 3,496,891 6,292 441.93 2,780,649
Ttl Trans 47,396 663.64 31,453,807 43,796 677.73 29,681,820
Gr Corp 9,093 446.61 4,061,033 8,341 441.02 3,678,584
Gr Assn 161 373.18 60,081 394 518.67 204,356
SMERF 228 530.82 121,028 226 770.90 174,223
Ttl Group 9,482 447.39 4,242,141 8,961 452.76 4,057,163
Total Rooms 56,878 $ 627.59 $ 35,695,948.84 52,757 $ 639.52 $ 33,738,982.53


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