Decision Systems, Policy, and Virtues

Decision Systems, Policy, and Virtues.

In Chapter 4 of Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics Choose one case study from below that interest you the most and the one you like best to author a report that describes “A Model for Making Moral Decision” to the case study you chose. In a Word document, write a minimum of 500 words, include the following: a. Present a brief problem statement for the case study you chose. Apply each of the steps of “A Model for Making Moral Decisions” to the case study. b. Make sure to emphasize which principles and virtues are applicable to the case study from a Christian worldview and how they would apply. c. Write a conclusion that provides an ethical recommendation for action that is in line with the principles and virtues discussed above. The 3 case studies are: 1. Business Ethics: Stopping Patent Violators – starting on page 104 2. Medical Ethics – starting on page 111, and 3. International Business Ethics – starting on page 116 This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Prepare this assignment using the APA Style.

Decision Systems, Policy, and Virtues

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