Writing a Research Proposal

Writing a Research Proposal.

https://youtu.be/uyoU4BwTHmo https://youtu.be/PDjS20kic54

In this video, Dr Greg Martin provides an introduction to research methods, methedology and study design. Specifically he takes a look at qualitative and quantitative research methods including case control studies, cohort studies, observational research etc.

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A) Discussion #1 is an effort to prepare you for the completion of your final assignment (Assignment #4) and discussion#2 for this course.

*Discussion #1 is based on your proposed topic from assignment #1. In your Assignment #1 proposal submission, you were required to provide a draft of the following: Working title, introduction, general problem statement, specific problem statement, purpose statement, research questions, and hypothesis. After reading Module 1: Identifying a Study Question/ Problem and Module 2: Selecting a study approach (Chaps. 1-10) and watching the videos on ” Writing a Research Proposal” and ” Research Methods – Introduction ” and using one (1) of the presentation methods below: 2-3 pages essay summary (on word document) (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below) Create a thread and or reply in thread box (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below) Power Point presentation or Prezi (10–15 slides).(Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below) Infographic: (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below) Educational/training packet or guide: (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below) Brochure: (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below) 5–7 minute recorded PSA (public service announcement) (Response to all of the initial discussion board questions below)

Writing a Research Proposal

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