Write an accompanying set of notes to the cash flow forecast, analyzing for Sharma and Ryan

Write an accompanying set of notes to the cash flow forecast, analyzing for Sharma and Ryan.

Task 2: Write an accompanying set of notes to the cash flow forecast, analyzing for Sharma and Ryan: ● Why a business might experience cash flow problems ● Why this can cause difficulties ● Interpret any potential dangers you can see specific to SIGNature’s cash flow forecast.

Task 3: Sharma and Ryan have asked for further help in preparing for their meeting with the bank manager. They have asked you to suggest actions that they could take to either avoid or help deal with cash flow problems. Write a section in your report explaining what actions are available and justifying why they might choose to take these actions. On your report document for SIGNature Ltd. prepare a section entitled “Cash Flow Management”, and complete Task 1, 2 and 3 above. 

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Write an accompanying set of notes to the cash flow forecast, analyzing for Sharma and Ryan

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