Which Of The Following Statements Are True About Organizational Culture?

Which Of The Following Statements Are True About Organizational Culture?. 21 Which of the following statements are true about organizational culture? Check all that apply

a. Employees may be unaware of the underlying assumptions that guide an organization’s culture.

b. Culture can create a competitive advantage for a company.

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c. A company’s culture cannot be taught-managers must hire people that have the right culture.

d. The actions managers take can change a company’s culture.

2) Match the following examples to the element of culture (Hero. Symbol, Slogan, Ceremony, or Story) that they represent

a. Every Friday afternoon around 4:00pm, Nerf darts start flying around the office at Aplia, where both work and play are highly valued.

b.. At Virginia Tech, students and professors remember the courage of professor Liviu Librescu, who died protecting his students from a gunman in 2007.

c. At IBM, people talk about the meeting where people were told to turn off he projector and “just talk”. This de-emphasized the importance of slides in organizational communications.

Which Of The Following Statements Are True About Organizational Culture?

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