What larger challenges will each birth cohort have to confront or solve?

What larger challenges will each birth cohort have to confront or solve?.

Multi-Source Essay Your essay should synthesize a handful of specific arguments about both birth cohorts and articulate your own specific thesis about the connections between your sources. To begin developing your thesis, think about some of the arguments you’ve read in our central course texts and identify some of the questions you might still have (Are Millenials really more entitled and narcissistic? Which birth cohort seems better or worse off, and in what ways?

What larger challenges will each birth cohort have to confront or solve? How are Millenials different from the generation that follows them? How are they similar? Why do we spend so much time gathering evidence and crafting arguments about birth cohorts?). Don’t rush this brainstorming phase: the more specific you are about your interests and curiosities, the more you can build strong connections between different sources.

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What larger challenges will each birth cohort have to confront or solve?

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