What is polyphony? Where does it appear in music history? Is it present in today’s music in the radio?
What is polyphony? Where does it appear in music history? Is it present in today’s music in the radio?.
Posting in this Discussion Board is MANDATORY and can be used to share any thoughts about the chapters in this module. The discussion board has the purpose to help students to create a forum to share ideas. SUGGESTED TOPICS (you can start any thread with another topic from Chapters 7-9): a. Have you heard a Gregorian chant ever in a context outside of this class? Where? How? Does a Gregorian Chant “make sense” for its time? Why? Why not? b. What is polyphony? Where does it appear in music history? Is it present in today’s music in the radio? How? Examples? c. The concept of “Text painting,” is it applicable to music that we hear today in the radio? If so how? 1. The posting of the discussion needs to include meaningful information about something that surprised you, something that is new to you, something that you discover in the module, concepts learned, or something in which you have a question. 2. New postings or reply to postings need to be more than one line or one sentence. It needs to include a few lines explaining your position and providing information learned. Students can reply with information or an opinion, but it also needs to have meaningful information of more than one sentence. Feel free to include YouTube video links, or other material that would support your posting. 3. NO postings or discussions can be made on questions related to the Reading Assignments, Listening Assignments, MindTap Assignments, or Online Tests. Those are deemed individual work. If you have a question about those items, then contact the instructor directly.
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