What does it mean to be a man/and or woman in America?

What does it mean to be a man/and or woman in America?.

What does it mean to be a man/and or woman in America?

Write a well-developed essay that answers this question. Your answer could include a discussion about gender rules, stereotypes, expectations, behaviors, and effects. Audience: An academic but uninformed audience. You must include support from Allan G. Johnson’s article “From The Gender Knot: Patriarchy” and from Carlos Andres Gomez “Guy’s Club: No Faggots, Bitches, or Pussies Allowed” as well as TWO ADDITIONAL SOURCES. The additional sources should be credible sources (not Wikipedia or student blogs or random google articles for example)The best place to find credible sources is the library database. Assume your audience is unfamiliar with the articles we read in class so this means you’ll need to spend some time summarizing key ideas, defining any terms that might be unfamiliar, and choosing short quotations from your chosen readings to help your reader get a sense of what the author is talking about. With any formal academic essay, you are expected to use appropriate tone, point of view, style, and diction. While you may use “I,” particularly in your response paragraphs, avoid using the second person (“you”). Formal academic essays, unless otherwise instructed, are usually written in the third person. Clearly introduce and follow up all quoted and paraphrased material; show readers how your sources support and prove your points, so they do not have to make those connections on their own.

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What does it mean to be a man/and or woman in America?

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