Voluntary Research and Writing Extra Credit
Voluntary Research and Writing Extra Credit.
Voluntary Research and Writing Extra Credit – Based upon Dorocak, The Clinton’s Legal Defense Fund: Income from Payment of Legal Expenses by Another and Deductibility of Such Expenses, 104 W. Va. L Rev 1 (2001)
Items to be Located
Separately described below are items of authority (cases, Revenue Rulings, etc.) to be located by the student.
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Research Resources
The materials should be found by using the following online services: CCH and Westlaw. The availability and use of these resources is explained elsewhere.
Assignment Due
For the particular item located, the student should:
Turn in a 1-2 paragraph summary (on 1-2 pages) (typed and printed on a word processor in the student’s own words) of the 1 item located,
Turn in a 1 paragraph summary (same 1-2 pages) of how the item was located.
Turn in a 2 page attachment (1 page from each of 2 research resources – Westlaw and CCH, original only please) showing the item located.
Students may work together. Each student must turn in his or her own written summary and attachments.
Voluntary Research and Writing Extra Credit