To what extent does brand identity and customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty in the UK fashion market particularly for Gap clothing?

To what extent does brand identity and customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty in the UK fashion market particularly for Gap clothing?.

To what extent does brand identity and customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty in the UK fashion market particularly for Gap clothing?

Problem statement:

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Gap lost its brand identity Aims and Objectives Identify key terms: Brand Identity, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty Identify Sub -subjects’ key terms: Service quality, attidunal loyalty and behavioural loyalty. examine: how brand identity affects customer loyalty Investigate: How customer satisfaction affects customer loyalty examine: Clarify how customer satisfaction impacts on brand identity, which will eventually customer loyalty.

Research Question To what extent does brand identity and customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty in the UK fashion market particularly for Gap clothing? Introduction to Literature Review: Definitions of :

 Brand identity

 customer satisfaction

 customer loyalty: Importance of customer loyalty. Altidunal loyalty Behavioral loyalty Include a model that shows the relationship with these three key terms. Brand identity and customer loyalty:  Importance of brand identity and its effect on customer loyalty

 What happens to companies if they lose their brand identity? And how does that affect customer loyalty.

 Include Functions of the Symbolic Meanings of Brands

 A model of Brand identity that shows two variables of brand identity that can be investigated, and investigate it.  Kapfere’s brand identity  brand identity model  Refer to Gap clothing’s problem statement and how it relates to brand identity

 Critical evaluation of kapfere’s brand identity.  Refer brand identity prism to attidunal loyalty  Create hypothesis. Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty  Importance of customers satisfaction and its effect on customer loyalty.  model of customer satisfaction shows two variables of customer satisfaction that can be investigated and investigate it.  Critical evaluation of the model used.  factors affecting customers satisfaction.  definition of service quality.  effects of service quality on customer satisfaction _> leading to customer loyalty.  critical dimensions of Service QUALITY.  Critical evaluation of customer satisfaction and service quality  Refer to Gap (retail fashion) problems statement  Establish the effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and how it relates to behavioural loyalty.  Refer to behavioral loyalty  Create hypothesis

To what extent does brand identity and customer satisfaction affect customer loyalty in the UK fashion market particularly for Gap clothing?

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