Theorising Diversity

Theorising Diversity.

Description Gender and Diversity studies Please write a text commentary on the literature : Fraser, N. (2018). Recognition without ethics? In: McKinnon, C., & Castiglione, D. (eds): The culture of toleration in diverse societies. Manchester UniversityPress, 86-108 Only write text commentary on the pages 86-108 Use these guiding questions to help write text commentary Starting point -To which text category does the text belong? (literaturereview, article in edited volume, empirical/theoretical/ methodological paper etc.) Methods –Who is talking? -Does the text contain information about the author(s)? -How do the author(s) legitimize their arguments? (quotes, studies, common knowledge, hypotheses etc.) Context -What is the historical and socio-political background of the text? -What is the main scientific discipline relevant for the text? Concepts -What is the main research question of the text? -What are the most important theses/arguments? -With whom/against whom do the authors argue? -What are the conclusions? Reflection -What are open questions and unclear points? -What does the text underestimate or ignore? -What points of criticism do you have?

Theorising Diversity

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