Standard error will be calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the count.

Standard error will be calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the count..

Review the IT data set template (attached) and take a few minutes to review the Help Desk dataset. Note that there are two worksheets or tabs. The first worksheet (titled “IT-Help-Desk”) contains the data to be analyzed. The second worksheet (titled “QR Analysis Essay”) will be where you cut and paste your end-of-project essay. You will use Excel to determine the average number of days the tickets are open and the distributions of the requestor’s seniority, type and severity of problem, assigned priority level, and end-user satisfaction level. We’ll work through these problems in the next steps.

First, Open the Excel file and go to Save As to rename it. Use the name format YourLastName Project 4. This file contains the data that you will manipulate and analyze. You will add tabs in the next steps to build an Excel workbook for this project. To get your Excel workbook properly formatted, set the margins for landscape with narrow margins. Enter your name, date, and page number in the footer area of the sheet. Format the entire spreadsheet using Calibri 11 font.

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No Step 3

Step 4


In Section 2 of the Excel spreadsheet that you have downloaded, use Excel formulas to fill in the grey boxes for seniority of requestor, type of problem, priority, satisfaction rating, and severity in the tables. You will use some Excel functions to summarize the IT data, using COUNTIF and the SUM function to do the math to complete the five tables in Section 2. In this step, you’ll begin to see patterns in the data that inform the story in the student data. Now it’s time to complete your analysis.

What are the results showing? Answer these questions by typing into the text box.

  • Which types of employees are most likely and least likely to open a ticket?
  • Which types of problems are most and least common?
  • What can you tell about the satisfaction level?
  • What can you tell about the number of days a ticket is open?


Step 5

Now you will calculate mean, median, and mode for the categories of data, and derive the deviation, variance, dispersion, and distribution. You will calculate descriptive or summary statistics for the IT data set using Excel formulas and in the next step using the Toolpak. Format all the results to two decimal places.

This is where it gets interesting!

In Section 3 of the data sheet, use the appropriate Excel function to complete the table, calculating summary statistics on the DaysOpen data on the IT-Help-Desk tab (column 1). Use the Excel functions of =AVERAGE, =MEDIAN, =MODE, =STDEV.S, =VAR.S, =KURT, =SKEW, =MIN, =MAX, =SUM, =COUNT to derive these statistics for the three data categories.

The following calculations do not have a direct Excel function but can be derived from other values calculated here:

  • Standard error will be calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the count.

Range is calculated by subtracting the minimum from maximum values.

Standard error will be calculated by dividing the standard deviation by the square root of the count.

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