

Assume the exchange of Nimbus shares for Noor shares as outlined in Problem 2.

a. What is the ratio of exchange?

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b. Compare the earnings per Noor share before and after the merger. Compare the earnings per Nimbus share. On this basis alone, which group fared better? Why?

c. Why do you imagine that old Nimbus commanded a higher P/E than Noor? What should be the change in P/E ratio resulting from the merger?

d. If the Nimbus Company were in a high-technology growth industry and Noor made cement, would you revise your answers?

e. In determining the appropriate P/E ratio for Nimbus, should the increase in earnings resulting from this merger be added as a growth factor?

f In light of the foregoing discussion, do you feel that the Noor shareholders would have approved the merger if Noor stock paid a $1 dividend and Nimbus paid $3? Why?


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