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Question Workspace

The following information has been presented to you about the Gibson Corporation.

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Total assets $3,000 million Tax rate 25%
Operating income (EBIT) $800 million Debt ratio 0%
Interest expense $0 million WACC 10%
Net income $480 million M/B ratio 1.00×
Share price $32.00 EPS = DPS $3.20

The company has no growth opportunities (g = 0), so the company pays out all of its earnings as dividends (EPS = DPS). The consultant believes that if the company moves to a capital structure financed with 20% debt and 80% equity (based on market values) that the cost of equity will increase to 11% and that the pre-tax cost of debt will be 8%. If the company makes this change, what would be the total market value (in millions) of the firm?

a. $5,200
b. $6,000
c. $4,400
d. $4,800
e. $5,400


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