Sociology: Children and family studies

Sociology: Children and family studies.

Learning Outcomes On successful completion of this module the learner should be able to: LO1 On completion of the module students will be able to Evaluate working with children and families from a range of theoretical frameworks. LO2 Articulate and appraise the range of interventions employed in working with children and families who have experienced abuse, trauma and a range of stresses in their lives LO3 Critically evaluate assessment, intervention and ongoing support frameworks used when working with children and families Assessment Breakdown % Continuous Assessment 100.00% Assignment: Assignment 1 With reference to theory and best practice principles students are required to provide a detailed analysis of interventions used with children and families in addressing issues or concerns that may present. Students are required to articulate and appraise the range of interventions employed in working with children and families who have experienced abuse, trauma and a range of stresses in their lives. Examples include but are not limited to the use of parenting programmes and Marte Meo. Word Count: 2,000 +/-10% This assignment is worth 50% of your overall grade Format: Assignment should: • Typed in Times New Roman or Ariel font size 12 • Spacing 1.5 • Adopt a discursive, formal, objective tone throughout. • Provide a word count at the end excluding reference list • A cover page with student name, student number, module and lecturer l

Sociology: Children and family studies

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