Social media for recruitment.

Social media for recruitment..

Write a briefing paper answering the two questions below. The first question is worth 6 marks, the second question is worth 4 marks, for a total of 10 marks for the assignment. About 1000 well-chosen words not counting references may be sufficient to answer the questions.

Question 1. Your company is not making much use of social media for recruitment. Your boss has asked you to find out how social media can be used by companies to find and attract good job candidates. Teach yourself about this topic by finding and examining at least five useful sources (up to two of your sources may be videos, at least three must be written sources) about how companies are using one or more forms of social media for recruitment. Recruitment is defined in question 1 as finding, attracting, and informing candidates of your openings, NOT evaluating them in terms of making a hiring decision. Prepare a report for your boss, in your own words, which integrates what you have learned about how social media can be used effectively in recruitment. Be as specific as you can. You are welcome to consult more than five sources, and in fact you may find that some sources you look at aren’t very useful or informative, or contain conflicting or dated advice, in which case you should look farther until you establish some certainty about the advice you are willing to provide to your boss. Include the urls or citations of your sources at the bottom of the briefing paper.

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Social media for recruitment.

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