Sleep and Military PTSD

Sleep and Military PTSD.

 Purpose: This assignment is designed to promote critical thinking skills as they apply to reading and evaluating psychological research. Assignment Checklist: Begin by choosing a peer-reviewed journal article from the options attached below. This assignment is completed directly in the Template for Critical Thinking Article Analysis.docx (attached below). Carefully read the assignment template prompts for each section. Read the article with the template questions in mind.  You may need to read through the article a few times to be sure you understand its basic components. Using paragraph form, thoroughly respond to the prompts in the template. Be sure to use APA to format for all in-text citations and reference list. Use Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) for assistance with the citations and reference list. Note: This assignment does not require a title page, running head, or abstract. For APA, You will only be graded on correct use of in-text citations and a reference list. Assignment Grade: Content: 120 points (30 points x 4 sections) Thoroughly responds to prompts and meets minimum word count Spelling & Grammar: 15 points APA: 15 points – 12 pt font, double spaced, In-Text Citations, and Reference Page

Sleep and Military PTSD

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