Shelly Cashman Excel 2016

Shelly Cashman Excel 2016.


Shelly Cashman Excel 2016 | Module 4: SAM Project 1a
Camp Millowski
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Campground Mortgage

Camp Millowski
Mortgage Loan Payment Calculator Amortization Schedule
Date 15-Aug-18 Rate 5.750% Year Beginning Balance Ending Balance Paid on Principal Interest Paid
Item Campground Term (Years) 15 1 $ 388,800.00 $ 371,973.53
Price $ 486,000.00 Monthly Payment 2 $ 371,973.53 $ 354,153.63
Down Payment $ 97,200.00 Total Interest $ (388,800.00) 3 $ 354,153.63 $ 335,281.65
Loan Amount $ 388,800.00 Total Cost $ 97,200.00 4 $ 335,281.65 $ 315,295.47
5 $ 315,295.47 $ 294,129.30
Varying Interest Rate Schedule 6 $ 294,129.30 $ 271,713.49
Rate Monthly Payment Total Interest Total Cost 7 $ 271,713.49 $ 247,974.26
8 $ 247,974.26 $ 222,833.46
3.500% 9 $ 222,833.46 $ 196,208.36
3.750% 10 $ 196,208.36 $ 168,011.31
11 $ 168,011.31 $ 138,149.52
12 $ 138,149.52 $ 106,524.69
13 $ 106,524.69 $ 73,032.73
14 $ 73,032.73 $ 37,563.42
15 $ 37,563.42 $ – 0
Subtotal $ – 0 $ – 0
Down Payment
Total Cost $ – 0

Campground Research

Camp Name Firefly Pines Camp Serenity Tame River Camp Shepard
Year Purchased 2013 2010 2009 2005
Price $ 500,500.00 $ 580,000.00 $ 425,000.00 $ 320,000.00
Loan Amount $ 340,340.00 $ 487,200.00 $ 280,500.00 $ 240,000.00
Rate 5.255% 6.359% 4.586% 5.125%
Term (Years) 15 15 20 15
Monthly Payment $ 2,736.81 $ 4,206.36 $ 1,787.63 $ 1,913.57
Total Interest
Total Cost $ 500,500.00 $ 580,000.00 $ 425,000.00 $ 320,000.00
Current Year of Mortgage 5 8 9 13
Mortgage Balance at End of Current Year

Shelly Cashman Excel 2016

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