Roman Art and Architecture

Roman Art and Architecture.

Description LEARNING ACTIVITY 2 Background to the assignment: As you read in chapter 11, you learned how the Roman value system was very pragmatic. Pragmatism used in the philosophical sense is a belief system having various forms, but generally stressing practical consequences as constituting the essential criterion in determining meaning, truth, or value. It deals less with theory as well as idealism and more with practicality. This value of being pragmatic explains what the Roman people saw when they interacted with the world around them. They were interpreting their situation by applying their worldview and living their lives accordingly, just as we do today as we interpret the world around us. Description of the assignment: List at least 3 of their achievements and explain how each of them expressed the pragmatism of the Romans. Your discourse must indicate that you have an understanding of this value. If you include sources, cite them in current APA format. This assignment must be 250–300 words and must include the word count in parentheses.

Roman Art and Architecture

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