Rockā€™nā€™Roll Essay

Rockā€™nā€™Roll Essay.

Rockā€™nā€™Roll Essay 

Assignment: Select a popular music songwriter or artist active after 1960 and before 2000 who was NOT (or will not be) covered in this class, and demonstrate how that individualā€™s (or groupā€™s) musical career relates to or had an impact on a significant social issue (such as gender,race, class, immigration, or sexuality, for instance), historical event (such as the Vietnam war,Civil rights era), or social or cultural movement (womenā€™s rights, environmentalism or anti-war activism, for instance). You may discuss how your artist relates to more than one of these categories, as they often overlap. Provide relevant background information concerning your chosen issue, event, or movement as well as your selected songwriter or artist such that it is clear how the two relate to each other. (Do not waste space on irrelevant biographical details.) Select one song by your artist that best exemplifies how she/he/they relate(s) to the issue, event, or movement you discuss. Be sure to address specifically musical details and demonstrate how they contribute to the relevance, meaning, or impact of your chosen song. You may discuss more than one song or recording, but you should focus on one so that you can sufficiently address specifically musical details. I have been choosing ā€˜Joan Jettā€™ to write about. And the song I choose is ā€˜I hate myself for loving youā€™. More detail I will provide later. And I will provide the link for the song as well.

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Rockā€™nā€™Roll Essay

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