Review the hypertension and type 2 diabetes concept map exemplars for guidance.

Review the hypertension and type 2 diabetes concept map exemplars for guidance..

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Review the hypertension and type 2 diabetes concept map exemplars for guidance.


Create a concept map illustrating the pathophysiology of breast cancer. Consider the following:

Predisposing factors

Precipitating factors

Cellular involvement

Genetic changes


Note: There are several web-based concept map builders, such as Lucidchart and Popplet. Use one of those programs or develop your concept map in Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, Microsoft® Visio®, or Prezi®. Hand-drawn assignments will not be accepted.


Write a 175-word summary of CC’s three patient education priorities based on the results of your assessment.


Cite a minimum of two sources in an APA-formatted reference page.


Submit your concept map and summary.


CC three patient education priorities are health regarding eating, alcohol, and exercising.

Review the hypertension and type 2 diabetes concept map exemplars for guidance.

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