Religion and the Arts.

Religion and the Arts..

Read the chapter on Religion and the Arts. Write a reflection paper on the reading and turn it in to me . Using between 850-1,000 words (no more, no less), typed and double-spaced, and including the word count on your paper (you can write the number on your paper if your computer program will not add it), write a summary/response paper. The paper should consist of two parts. First, summarize the key ideas from the reading. This part of your paper should take between 350-400 words. Second, for the rest of the paper, write your response to the chapter on Religion and the Arts. Your comments should be more in-depth than whether you enjoyed or disliked the reading. Rather, you should comment on how the reading challenged, informed, enlightened your own views and what questions or issues the information on this chapter raised for you. You may include ideas from the reading or other religious writings, as well as your own personal experience in your discussion. Use specific examples in your response.

Religion and the Arts.

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