Read the following articles and discuss what HR managers can do to renew the strategic alliance between Renault and Nissan after Carlos Ghosn, the ex-CEO, was arrested.
Read the following articles and discuss what HR managers can do to renew the strategic alliance between Renault and Nissan after Carlos Ghosn, the ex-CEO, was arrested..
BBC (2019) Carlos Ghosn: Renault ‘preparing to replace’ jailed boss. BBC News (16th Jan 2019), Available: Essential readings: Carr, C. (2005) Are German, Japanese and Anglo‐Saxon strategic decision styles still divergent in the context of globalization?
Journal of Management Studies, 42(6), 1155-1188. Gill, C. (2015) The role of leadership in successful international mergers and acquisitions: Why Renault‐Nissan succeeded and DaimlerChrysler‐Mitsubishi failed. Human Resource Management, 51(3), 433-456. De Roover, B. (2019) Designing durable alliances: Lessons from Renault-Nissan. INSTEAD Knowledge (7th Jan 2019), Available: Schuler, R.S., Tarique, I., Jackson, S. E. (2015) Managing human resources in cross-border alliances. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. 103-129.Avaliable: Coursework requirements: Work must be typed, contain an accurate word count and use Harvard system of referencing. A successful essay is one that uses both theory and evidence to answer the set question directly.
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