Public health: Mental health

Public health: Mental health.

Final Paper: An important component of this course is the research paper. Select a topic pertinent to Public Health in America. Write an 8-12 page paper that will include at least 4-6 evidence/research-based references (no Wikipedia!), an abstract, a graph or chart (data) if applicable to your topic (should not take up more than ÂĽ of a page). Your research paper may include (if applicable to your topic) the following information:

• Historical Perspective/Background information on your topic • Population affected • Environmental issues • Epidemiological Research o Data Use o Morbidity & Mortality Patterns • Public Health issues & interventions • Medical Response o Prehospital (if applicable) o Hospital o Other • Government response o Local vs. State vs. Federal • Economic Factors/Issues • Media Coverage/Communication Issues • Logistical Issues o What worked – what didn’t – why • Aftermath • Lessons Learned The research paper should include an introduction of the topic, a body in which the topic is developed and references cited, and a well-defined conclusion. I strongly recommend that you contact me with the topic of your paper before you begin your research. The topic you choose may be too broad or too narrow, and a discussion may help you to focus so that your learning will be maximized and your paper will be the best it can be. Your paper can be turned in at any time, but must be submit no later than the last regularly scheduled day of Week 7.

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Public health: Mental health

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