Product and Technology Management

Product and Technology Management.

 Description Type: OtherUnit: Product and Technology Management, Deliverable Length: Completed Excel template (Cells B2–L31); 2 slides: Recommendations and References View objectives for this assignment Go To: Assignment Details Learning Materials Reading Assignment My Work: Online Deliverables: None Looking for tutoring? Go to Smarthinking Collapse All | Expand All Assignment Details Assignment Description You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below. Review the tutorial titled How to Submit the Intellipath Submission Assignment. Please submit your work to this week’s Intellipath Unit Submission lesson. Click the Upload button within the submission lesson to access the submission area. Click the Select File button to upload your document, and then click “OK” to finish. Assignment Details Prepare a report identifying the top-ranked ERP system where you work or for another organization with which you are familiar. Using this template, conduct research for these major ERP suppliers: Infor, Microsoft, Oracle, Sage, and SAP. Based on your selected organization, assign a priority company priority level in the blue cells and a vendor capability level in the light gray cells and then the company’s capabilities in the indicated cells. The company priority level is an indication as to whether or not the company needs the feature: 1: Feature not needed 2: Feature nice to have 3: Feature required The vendor capability level is an indication as to whether or not the vendor can supply the feature: 1: Vendor cannot supply feature 2: Vendor can supply feature with extra cost 3: Vendor meets requirement After completing the worksheet, prepare a 2-slide PowerPoint summary. On one slide, you will recommend the best ERP for your selected organization and base the recommendation on the best ERP system according to the priorities you assigned for each element, in addition to the research you conducted for each ERP provider. The second slide will include your references used for research.

Product and Technology Management

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