Population Questions
Population Questions. Assignment
Assignment 1
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Population Questions
1. Explain the concept of survivorship. What is Type I, Type II, and Type III survivorship? Give an example of each type and explain how survivorship relates to population change.
2. Give 3 types of population dispersion with an example of each.
3. Name and explain two factors that affect population growth rates.
4. Define fecundity.
5. Define demography and explain the difference between population dynamics
6. Explain carrying capacity and how it affects exponential growth.
7. Explain the difference between exponential, logistic, and sigmoidal growth.
8. What is the kind of growth that the human population is currently experiencing? Explain and show your reference.
9. Give examples of competitive exclusion, and the Allee Effect.
10. What is predation and how does it affect evolution?
11. Explain the 3 symbiotic relationships with examples.
12. What happens if the top carnivore/predator is removed from an ecological community? Explain using an example.
13. What is succession and what type of disturbances can interrupt succession?
14. Explain the difference between mimicry and camouflage. What are the types of mimicry and how do they differ?
Assignment 2
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Population Problems
1. A species of finches on the Galapagos Island has a geometric growth pattern. The island has 25 000 finches in the first year. In the same year, there are 5000 births and 3500 deaths.
a. What is the geometric growth rate
b. Calculate the population after 5 years
2. A population of walruses on an island in the South Pacific Ocean shows continuous growth. The carry capacity of the environment is 10 000 and r = 0.5. What is the rate of growth for populations of 100, 1000 and 2000 walruses.
3. The Metro Toronto Zoo has an endangered species called the Eastern cougar. A pair of cougars have a fecundity of 5 offspring per year where all offspring survive to reproductive age (2.5 per parent per generation).
a. Explain the type of growth
b. Calculate the number of cougars after 5 years and 9 years.
4. In the summer, the Ottawa University has many pigeons. A grade 12 biology student decided to estimate the population size. She noticed that when she fed the pigeons in the atrium of Morriset Library, the same amount always returned. She devised a way to tag them. The first week she tagged 55 pigeons by luring them and feeding them. The second week she recaptured 45 pigeons and of those only 8 had the original tag. Estimate the population size.
5. A group of biology students are assisting a researcher from the University of Toronto on a project. They are trying to determine the growth rate of frogs in a marsh near Owen Sound. There are 200 frogs in the first year. By the time the students are in grade 12, 40 frogs were born, 90 died and 5 frogs immigrated.
a. Dsetermine the growth rate
b. Do you think that tracking the frogs for one year is sufficient for this researcher?
6. An eager graduate student at Carleton, counts geese in the marshes off the Ottawa river. In 2004, they counted 2500 geese. During the next year, 500 goslings hatched, 45 immigrated, 200 died and 30 emigrated. Determine the following:
a. Population change in individuals, in % and per capita
b. The expected size of the population after 2, 4 and 8 years, given unlimited resources
c. The doubling time, where r = 0.1725
d. Assuming a carrying capacity of 4235 geese, when will the geese population reach carrying capacity under ideal conditions?
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