person centered nursing framework

person centered nursing framework.

Select one of the two models presented in the week five lesson (either the Person-Centred Nursing Framework, or the Chamberlain Care Model). In a three- to four-page scholarly paper, address the following: Provide a succinct overview of the model you have selected and discuss how the selected model addresses the four concepts within the nursing metaparadigm (person, health, nursing, environment). Discuss how the selected model qualifies as a theoretical framework within the profession of nursing, and its use within the profession. Describe how the chosen model can be applied in the future APN role (education, executive, family nurse practitioner, healthcare policy, or nursing informatics). Preparing the paper Submission Requirements Application: Use Microsoft Word 2013™ to create the written assessment. Length: The paper (excluding the title page and reference page) is at least three and no more than fourpages in length. A minimum of four (4) scholarly literature sources must be used. Submission: Submit your file to the Canvas course site by the due date/time indicated. Best Practices in Preparing the Project The following are best practices in preparing this project. Review directions thoroughly. Follow submission requirements. Make sure all elements on the grading rubric are included. Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal, scientific writing. Title page, running head, body of paper, and reference page must follow APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual. This includes the use of headings for each section of the paper except for the introduction where no heading is used. Ideas and information that come from scholarly literature must be cited and referenced correctly. A minimum of four (4) scholarly literature references must be used. Abide by CCN academic integrity policy. Person-Centred Nursing Framework In the NR 500 course, the Person-Centred Nursing (PCN) Framework was introduced. This week you will critically examine the PCN Framework and appraise its use as a theoretical foundation for practice. McCormack and McCance originally developed a PCN Framework in 2006. Caring continues to be a central concept in nursing; however, the context for caring is transforming, resulting in conceptual and theoretical advancements related to the evolving healthcare practice settings. In response to this need, McCormack and McCance updated the PCN Framework in 2010 to offer applications to practice across diverse and complex healthcare systems (McCormack & McCance, 2006; McCormack & McCance, 2017). The PCN Framework provides a standard of care for practice and is a multidimensional process that places emphasis on the person as the center of care delivery (McCance, McCormack, & Dewing, 2011). The PCN Framework fosters outcomes related to therapeutic relationships through respecting individuals as persons and partners in care (McCance et al., 2011). As depicted in the visual, the PCN Framework consists of four constructs: prerequisites, the care environment, person-centred processes, and outcomes (McCance et al., 2011). To deliver effective care, one must work from the outer circle first to the core. Prerequisites focus on the attributes of the nurses and include being professionally competent, having developed interpersonal skills, being committed to the job, being able to demonstrate clarity of beliefs and values, and knowing self (McCance et al., 2011). The Care Environment focuses on the context in which care is delivered and includes appropriate skill mix, systems that facilitate shared decision making, effective staff relationships, organizational systems that are supportive, the sharing of power, the potential for innovation and risk taking, and the physical environment (McCance et al., 2011). Person-centred processes focus on delivering care through a range of activities and include working with a patient’s beliefs and values (McCance et al., 2011). To overcome the gap between the concept and the reality of person-centred care, the PCN Framework offers an approach which includes engagement, sympathetic presence, shared decision making, and provision of holistic care (McCance et al, 2011). Outcomes, the central component of the PCN Framework, are the results of effective, person-centred nursing and include: satisfaction with care, involvement in care, feeling of well-being, and creating a therapeutic environment. (McCance et al., 2011). After testing, implementing, and analyzing the PCN Framework, McCormick and McCance (2017) once again updated the model to include the influence of the macro context on person-centered outcomes. Four components of the macro context were identified as: Health and social care policy Strategic frameworks Workforce developments Strategic leadership (McCormack & McCance, 2017, p. 263).

person centered nursing framework

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