PATRIOT Act: Read the following article titled: “Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process,” dated April 29, 2009, from the WRAL Website located at Explain why this situation is interpreted to be a USA

PATRIOT Act: Read the following article titled: “Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process,” dated April 29, 2009, from the WRAL Website located at Explain why this situation is interpreted to be a USA.

Read the following article titled: “Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process,” dated April 29, 2009, from the WRAL Website located at Explain why this situation is interpreted to be a USA PATRIOT Act case.

Suggest whether you believe it should or should not be interpreted as a USA PATRIOT Act case. Describe how we can balance the protection of the population with traditional civil rights in a free and open society. Determine whether technology that shows a crime originated at a specific location is sufficient evidence to conduct a raid as represented in this case. Explain your determination. Suggest at least one (1) change you would make to the USA PATRIOT Act, if possible, to correct civil rights issues raised by cases such as this. 

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PATRIOT Act: Read the following article titled: “Mom says Patriot Act stripped son of due process,” dated April 29, 2009, from the WRAL Website located at Explain why this situation is interpreted to be a USA

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