Optimal sizing and location of multiple distributed generation for minimizing loss and voltage drop using firefly algorithm
Optimal sizing and location of multiple distributed generation for minimizing loss and voltage drop using firefly algorithm.
Please check the file previously completed and revise or rewrite if needed) to meet the instructions. + complete the MATLAB code. INSTRUCTIONS Please find the needed information for my order. Optimal sizing and location of distributed generation for minimizing loss and voltage drop using firefly algorithm Reference Format: IEEE style Writeup format: IEEE Test bus: IEEE 118-bus and 33-bus Number of pages: 7 The MATLAB code should be implemented to determine 1. The optimal location and the sizing of the distributed generations based on the number of distributed generation considered (1, 2, 3 max). 2. The voltage level before (power flow) and after allocating the distributed generation. (This will help in identifying the minimization of the voltage drop). 3. The total power loss before and after allocating the distributed generation. (This will verify the power loss minimization when DG is applied).
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