NFL – Domestic Violence Issue

NFL – Domestic Violence Issue.

In the recent past, the National Football League (NFL) was forced to address an issue of domestic violence when a video was released showing one of its star players apparently physically assaulting his then fiancée (now current wife) on a public elevator. The NFL has a policy against domestic violence, as well as a morality clause for all of its members. As a result, the NFL commissioner suspended this player indefinitely from all association with the NFL. His football team also suspended him. The player was not prosecuted nor found guilty of any particular crime by any law enforcement agency. Prior to the incident, the player had a stellar reputation of community service in addition to being one of the NFL’s best players and leading running backs – including participation in the previous year’s Pro-Bowl. Additionally, this player previously signed a new multi-year, multi-million dollar contract with his team. The fan reaction was mixed – some wanted him to continue to play for the team. Others agreed with the punishment meted out by the organization; still others believe that more should have been done. Recently, Ezekiel Elliott of the Dallas Cowboys has been charged with domestic violence by a former girlfriend. The police have investigated and decided to bring no charges. However, the NFL has done its own investigation and, despite their own investigators conclusion that the charges from the girlfriend not being credible, has decided to suspend Elliott from playing football, which has a detrimental impact to him financially, as well as to his name and personal reputation.

NFL – Domestic Violence Issue

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