Moral Panic

Moral Panic.

write at least eight well-written paragraphs. The first four paragraphs should summarize this three reading(s) (Susan Serrano (2003). Korematsu v. U.S.: A Constant Caution in a Time of Crisis. Koji Fukumura, (2017). When our legal system failed: The Japanese internment camps of the 1940s. Brown, Esbenson, and Geis: Chap. 5. ) The next two paragraphs critique theory with evidence from peer-reviewed journal articles (if a theory was discussed then its strengths and weaknesses). The final two paragraphs must detail theory’s applicability to the paper topic. It should include: highlights of what you learned, particular points that you found of most interest in the readings, your reflections and most importantly, it must include correct citations to the articles used.

Moral Panic

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