Moral Compass

Moral Compass.

You will work on the Moral Compass Essay for several weeks of this course (Modules 1-4). Your final deliverable should address each of the questions in each section of the outline below. Section Deliverable instructions Personal Integrity Statement What is your understanding of a moral compass as a foundation for personal integrity and social conscience? From which Wisdom Tradition(s) do you draw in constructing your moral compass? What do you value and question about this Wisdom Tradition? Moral Compass Elements  MORAL VISION: What is your vision of a good life? What values anchor your moral vision? What symbol, song, image, or story motivates and inspires your moral vision? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral vision?  MORAL CODE: What are the rules or principles of your moral code? How does your moral code align with your moral vision? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral code?  MORAL FITNESS: What practices constitute your moral fitness regimen? How do you use these practices to cultivate personal character and integrity? How do these practices align with and reinforce your moral vision and code? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral code?  DEFINING MOMENT: What moral challenge has been a key defining moment for you? How has this challenge tested, clarified, and defined your character and values? If you could, how would you rewrite the script for this event in your life? Why? How does your Wisdom Tradition influence your moral understanding of this challenge? Your Future as a Business Leader Drawing from the wisdom of your moral compass, how do you envision the role of human values in your future as a business leader? Reflection What is your key take-away from this assignment?

Moral Compass

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