Models of family

Models of family.

Focus on an application of several models of family: Psychodynamic Model, Trans-generational Model and Experiential Model, (from chapters 7, 8, and 9 of your text). How would the proponents of each of these models view the case you established with your classmates? Pick 5 different theorists (at least 1 from each chapter) and discuss how they would look at and address issues in your cases. Chapter 7 Freud, Adler, Ackerman, Framo, the Sharffs, Kohut Chapter 8 Bowen, Boszormenyi-Nagy Chapter 9 Whitaker, Kempler, Satir Start with a brief description of the practitioner’s point of view (opening paragraph) and then try to apply that perspective to your family case. Compare and Contrast: Which theories seem to work best? Explain what makes them work best? In your opinion which approaches would not be so effective? Why not? Take into consideration your own natural style and the family needs. This case was developed through group work. It is about 14 year old Muslim girl name Aaliyah. According to her school guidance counselor Aaliyah, is exhibiting negative and defiant behaviors and indulging in risky behavior.

This includes being inattentive in class, showing disrespect to her superiors, periodically cutting school and possible marijuana use. Her 29-year-old mother, Ally is a single parent, sole breadwinner in the family. She is also dating a man for two years. Ally (mother) is missing from home due to work and relationship The third member of the family is 32-year-old Maria. She is the unmarried older sister of Ally and the aunt of Aaliyah. Since Aaliyah’s birth, Maria has helped Ally raise her daughter to fill in the void of the absent father. Because of Ally’s limited presence, Aaliyah develop a stronger and closer relationship with her aunt than with her mother. Maria is often more lenient with Aaliyah and allows her to get away with abnormal teenage behaviors. Ally who prefers to raise her daughter in a more cultural manner and is uneasy with her older sister enabling support to Aaliyah. She is also resentful that Maria has a closer bond with her daughter than herself.

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Models of family

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