MGT3123 Assessment 3: Individual Report

MGT3123 Assessment 3: Individual Report.



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This document contains all details for the third summative assessment: Individual Report.  Please read through the whole document carefully.



ASSESSMENT 3: Individual Report (50% of total grades)

 2500 (+/-10%) Words


3.1 Assessment brief:


Imagining that you are an international business strategy advisor appointed by International Company (e.g.  Apple INC.  Coca-Cola, Starbusks, Nike, H&M, etc.)  to provide a business report for the company on one of its existing host country markets. 


You are asked to

Analyze the internal and the external strategic environments, 

Review the company’s performance so far in the host country market, 

Forecast further development potential in the host country market, and 

Advise the company on its future investment strategies in the global market. 

(Please do consider: analyze, review, forecast, advice carefully)



3.2 Specifications (structure and format) for report submission


• Report should be developed up to a professional standard. The following specifications are necessary:


 Structure  o Table of contents ( with Chapter headings and page number) o Table of figures and/or tables (if applicable, with the heading and page number  o Figures and tables should be labeled and referenced o A maximum of 2500(+/-10% ) words (excluding reference list and appendix)


o Word processed on A4 paper with a font size of 12  o Leave 2.5cm (1 inch) margin on both the right and the left side of the page o Use 1.5 line space o Number pages continuously o Label all tables, figures, and so on o You should use the Harvard System of Referencing (in alphabetical order of author) for your references. 



The Front page must conform to the standard format

o Make sure you have a cover page on your individual report with the following Information



Middlesex University Business School 


The module title and code


Your individual report title


Your name and student number 


Your Lecture/seminar Tutor’s name


Date of submission 



3.3 Guidelines 


Word count: 2,500 (+/-10%) words.

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MGT3123 Assessment 3: Individual Report

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