Mental Health and it’s intersection with immigration policies and the Canadian criminal justice system

Mental Health and it’s intersection with immigration policies and the Canadian criminal justice system.

There should be 7 sub headings and use the link below for the case study 1. Introduction 2. Create a case study 3. Critical Analysis (2 pages) 4. Immigration and Refugee Policy (2 pages) 5. The role of Stigma (2 pages) 6. Conclusion (half a page): 7. Reference The following is a guide to using APA referencing: Research Suggestions: • Consider using the ‘database’ or ‘journal’ links in the Seneca Library’s Social Work Research Guide at

• While searching for sources online, you may question whether a source is considered credible. Read the following page, “Do I trust this information” at Suggested References: 1. Mental Illness, Criminal Offenses, & Deportation 2. Permanent Residents and Criminal Inadmissibility 3. Police Powers: http: // 4. Justice Service: 5. Public Policies: Page 20 of 21 2191 6. 7. Mental Health and Criminal Justice Policy Framework _Justice_Policy_Framework.pdf

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Mental Health and it’s intersection with immigration policies and the Canadian criminal justice system

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