Making Secondary Schooling “Dyslexia Friendly”

Making Secondary Schooling “Dyslexia Friendly”.

The rationale behind an approach introduced into schools with an inclusive ideology, is referred to as ‘dyslexia friendly’. Underpinned by the social model of disability, that we could consider dyslexia to be a disability, that can be removed through a change in teaching and assessment practice, then, to achieve that change, more teacher education and professional development is essential. To raise awareness of dyslexia and its characteristics, definitions, and effective, evidence‐based teaching methods, clear and unequivocal information needs to be given to both pre and in service teachers, so a sound knowledge, and good communication skills are two vital components. The presentation should link to relevant literature regarding causal theories and definitions of dyslexia, and should be supported with specific information of disability legislation and an example of strategies that remove barriers to learning for the student with dyslexia. You are arguing here for a position on changing practice to meet the learning needs of the individual with dyslexia that supports inclusive practice doctrines. You are required to present key points that describe the profile of features, or characteristics, frequently associated with dyslexia and key causal theories that attempt to explain such behaviours e.g. difficulties with phonological awareness or sound components in words The Disability Standards for Education (DSE) that require teachers to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to support students with dyslexic learning difficulties Legislative demands on teachers, made explicit through the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), Disability Standards in education (DSE) and the National Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD). ‘Reasonable adjustments’ that could be made, and that would support the student with dyslexia (e.g. use of technology, mobile phone/iPad)

Making Secondary Schooling “Dyslexia Friendly”

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