Instruction: Begin the answer to each questions on a NEW page. Answer ALL four questions. Unlike the previous discussion forum, you do not need to respond to any question. You must use a MINIMUM of FIVE UNIQUE SCOLARLY SOURCES of information PER QUESTION (do not use any source of information for more than one question). The sources of information must be listed separately for each question. Single space your responses to a maximum of two pages per question (not including your references) Submission: Use your name and automatic page numbering as the header or footer for each page and forward all your responses to me as a word document attached to an email after you are done answering ALL the questions. The only APA requirements are for paragraphs, in-text citation, font type and style, reference(s) page, and page formatting. Therefore, for example, you do not need a cover page. Approach each question independently. QUESTION 1. How has globalization affected different world regions? What are some of the benefits and costs of globalization for different sectors of society? 2. What is meant by culture? What is meant by value? 3. Are cultural values the same worldwide or are there marked differences? Are these values changing over time or are they fairly constant? How does your answer relate to the role of values in a culture? 4. What are some categories of cultural differences that help make one country or region of the world different from another? In each case, describe the value or norm and explain how it would result in different behavior in two or more countries. The open-ended questions require more in-depth discussion and gives you the opportunity to be multi-faceted in your responses. For the more detailed/specific questions, make sure you address each sub-item. If you have less than one page of discussion for any question, it means you’ve not fully comprehended its significance. All questions are weighted equally.


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