Integrated Marketing Campaign in the US

Integrated Marketing Campaign in the US.

Choose one company from one of the following categories:

Automobile Manufacturer (i.e. Nissan, Volkswagen, GMC, etc.) Department Store (JC Penney, Target, Walmart, etc.) Fast food restaurants (McDonalds, Burger King, Sonic, etc.) Bank (USAA, Compass Bank, Wells Fargo, etc.) Airlines (American Airlines, Southwest, United Airlines, etc.) Technology (Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc.) Travel sites (Expedia, Orbitz, Priceline, etc.) Visit the company’s website and various social media platforms.

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In a 3- to 4-page paper, analyze how the company successfully integrated its advertising on social media. You are required to address all of the following: What messages are presented in four different advertising campaigns such as the Internet, Facebook, Twitter, and/or television? How are they different or similar? What is the slogan used in the advertisement? Is the company successful in persuading you to buy or patronize its products or services? Why or why not? What do you think is the most effective advertising campaign? Is the company successful in integrating its advertising and social media strategies? Include at least three academic references to support your work, including one peer-reviewed article. 

Integrated Marketing Campaign in the US

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