Infographic as a visual tool for improving the awareness of diabetes among university students

Infographic as a visual tool for improving the awareness of diabetes among university students.

1/Abstract 2/Introduction 3/Research Questions ( 2 to 4 questions) 4/Methodology 5/Expected Outcomes 6/Literature Review ( should be more than 5) 7/Timeline ( should be 3 years starting April 2019 ending April 22) 8/References **In terms of methodology, write it more clearly. Like the article on ‘obesity prevention’, what are the user-centred methods you are going to use, at what stage of the research, why are those methods the best methods to answer your research questions. First you need to formulate your research questions, i.e. what you want to find out. Then you choose a specific research method to answer each question. 

Infographic as a visual tool for improving the awareness of diabetes among university students

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