Identify and describe the various phase change processes involving water.

Identify and describe the various phase change processes involving water..

Unit 2 chap 6:

Identify and describe the various phase change processes involving water.

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How does distillation convert seawater to fresh water?


If the mixing ratio equals the saturation mixing ratio, what is the relative humidity?


Why does the amount of precipitable water vary with the mean temperature of the troposphere?


Provide some examples of how the physical characteristics of Earth’s surface affect ratio of how much rain water (or snow melt) run off versus how much infiltrates to the ground. 


In the late autumn or early winter, cold air flows northwest winds from snow-covered ground across the ice-free waters of Lake Superior. Describe the changes in temperature, vapor pressure, and stability of the cold air as it flows over the warmer surface waters of the lake.


Determine the relative humidity if the…

Vapor pressure is 6 mb and the saturation vapor pressure is 24 mb

Vapor pressure is 12 mb and the saturation vapor pressure is 12 mb

Mixing ratio is 10 g/kg and the temperature is 25C


A saturated air parcel ascends in the atmosphere. What is the parcel’s initial relative humidity? What happens to the value of the relative humidity of the saturated parcel as it continues to ascend? What does this imply about the vapor pressure ascending saturated parcel?

Unit 2 chap 7:

What conditions are required for a cloud to form in the atmosphere?


What is the significance of hygroscopic nuclei in cloud formation?


Explain the lee-wave clouds form downwind from a mountain range.


Distinguish between atmospheric conditions responsible for development of radiation fog versus conditions that favor dew formation.


How is it possible for cloud droplets to become supercooled?


How does weather radar operating in the reflectivity mode locate and plot the motion of areas of precipitation?


What is the significance of the Schaefer point?


Explain why cumuliform clouds are relatively rare over cold-water surfaces and snow-covered surfaces.

Identify and describe the various phase change processes involving water.

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