IDE501:Disease & Epidemiology

IDE501:Disease & Epidemiology. Topic of the assignment is Disease & EpidemiologyTurnit Score below 10%

This week you have been introduced to the specific mechanisms (example: A-B toxin) that elicit the symptoms of disease in a host. Pick three of these mechanisms and describe each in a research paper. Please follow the expectations that are listed below.

Assignment Expectations:

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Length should be 1250-1500 words, not including Title and References pages (typed, 12 point font, double spaced).
These subheadings are required (content expectation is also provided)
Introduction (list the three mechanisms that you have picked and provide a brief overview)
Mechanism 1 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism. Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism).
Mechanism 2 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism. Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism).
Mechanism 3 (Describe the cellular source of the mechanism. Explain how this mechanism produces an effect inside the host. Provide an example pathogen that utilizes this mechanism).
Professional application (Explain how understanding these mechanisms increases the effectiveness of a nurse).
Support your content with at least (3) citations. Make sure to reference the citations using APA writing style for the presentation.

IDE501:Disease & Epidemiology

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