Human Error in General Aviation Accidents

Human Error in General Aviation Accidents.

 Here is a outline. Feel free to change the outline up a little to make it flow better but try to use it as much as possible. If the abstract or anything else i have done needs to be reworded to make it sound better, please do. Please use all the references i have below and additional 6 references as well. Also, please make sure all information is for general aviation not commercial aviation. I can also send this to you in a attachment if needed. And let me know if there any questions! I. Abstract Accidents in General Aviation have always been a concerning factor among aviators. When the human factor is added to general aviation other problems arise. The general aviation field has been plague by accidents due to human factors causing death, serious injuries and millions of dollars lost. Through different resources of peer-reviewed articles, safety books and many websites, general aviation safety in human factors will be investigated to help determine the trend of safety. II. Statement of the Project and the Research Problems Aviation has always been inherently dangerous. As technology advances, accidents have decreased but not to a level of comfort. Accidents are preventable if there is enough focus and attention directed the correct way. There are many different causes of accidents in aviation, calling for many different studies to be performed to help prevent accidents. Lives have been lost and billions down the drain because of human error. Human Error is a major cause of aviation accident in the general aviation arena. As technology is developed, the equipment available to pilots decrease the possibility of an accident occurring. The result of this project will reflect on issues in general aviation and the available technology and future technology to prevent accidents. With the use of technology and proper training, the devastating trends of Human Error Accidents in General Aviation can be counteracted and the physical effects III. Definition of terms  Identify all words or abbreviation that can cause the reader to misunderstand or confuse what the author’s point of view.  General Aviation- is civil aviation except scheduled passengers.  Human Factors- is the effect of human behavior applied to aviation.  NTSB- National Transportation Safety Board  FAA- Federal Aviation Administration  AOPA- Aircraft Owners and Pilot Association  ADS-B- Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast – is a system that determines its position and broadcasts it, enabling it for navigation and tracking.  HFACS- Human Factors Analysis and Classification System- is a system to analyze human error involvement in accidents IV. Limitations of the project  The limitations will be limited to Human factors in general aviation accidents.  Separate safety information from commercial airlines and other commercial companies.  Statistics in some articles are combined with general aviation and commercial aviation. V. Importance of the project The main objective of this project is to consider the general aviation world that is affected by human factor accidents. The project will diagnosis the underlying issues in general aviation accidents.  Leading cause of accidents  Human Factor fault  Other factors i.e. FOD, Mechanical Failures, Animal Strikes VI. Review of Literature  Chinese, V. (2018, 17 June). Newsday. Nationwide push to reduce fatal small plane crashes. Retrieved from  The author writes about the need and efforts from FAA to learn from mistakes. She states better training technology is out and can make better pilots and they will be better trained to handle adverse situations. The FAA is making mandatory navigational tools to be more sophisticated and to hold higher standards for pilot certifications. The FAA is also developing new procedures to help address situation where pilots lose control of the aircraft in flight.  Boeing. (n.d.). Aviation Safety. Robust Processes Produce Safe Products. Retrieved from  This article discusses the different processes that go into Boeings version of safety. Boeing has placed a large emphasis on safety with numerous programs to help address safety factors. Boeing clams they lead the industry for safety in human factors. They provide good information in short format for a quick read.

Human Error in General Aviation Accidents

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