HRM 500: Human Resource Management Foundations- New Supervisor Training on Performance Evaluations

HRM 500: Human Resource Management Foundations- New Supervisor Training on Performance Evaluations.

Now that the position has been created, you’ve taken the opportunity to create a PowerPoint presentation to train new supervisors on how to conduct performance evaluations. Whether you use an annual evaluation, real-time feedback, or quarterly evaluations, it is important that new supervisors understand: the rationale for a performance evaluation in general, the rationale for the specific one in use, the instrument used, and, the process for the evaluation.

The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 10 slides with graphics and Notes Pages. NOTE: One of the positions the new supervisors will be conducting performance evaluations on is the job in your description from Week 3. Find creative ways to incorporate your work from that assignment into this one. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: You must include the Notes Pages. This is where you explain in detail the thoughts you want to convey in each slide, only in more depth. Visually appealing: graphics (required) should be appropriate for the environment and audience. Text should be visible from 18 feet away (generally considered 18 pt. font or larger).

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**Teachers NOTES** Dr. Vic: This is a power Point Assignment. This assignment is very straightforward and will include concepts from throughout the entire class. You need to specifically include and expand on material from your first paper assignment from Week 3. Also, as the assignment instructions (above) indicate you need to select an evaluation frequency (i.e. annual, real-time, quarterly or other), and then discuss the step-by-step process for conducting the evaluation – you MUST include speakers notes along with material on your slides. And, please address each of the bullet points above on rationale, instruments used and process.

HRM 500: Human Resource Management Foundations- New Supervisor Training on Performance Evaluations

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