How do families cope with mothers that has PPD?

How do families cope with mothers that has PPD?.

You will have two major grades for this assignment: The annotated works cited page (evaluated using the research documentation rubric; worth 15% of your course grade); and the final research paper (evaluated using the research rubric; worth 15% of your course grade). Sources: You must use at least EIGHT sources in your works cited page. These sources must be from peer-reviewed journals (to be found in library databases) and non-fiction, academic books, with the exception of the short story, which you may choose to use if you wish. Sources found via google or Internet searches are not applicable to academic research. You may certainly consult the internet for ideas on narrowing your topic, or to help you grasp some of the basics of your particular concept. However, you cannot use these in your essay, and they should be consulted for base-level knowledge only.

How do families cope with mothers that has PPD?

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