How dance illustrates the American experience and in what ways; or how dance develops the story, based on the file Saturday night fever 1977.

How dance illustrates the American experience and in what ways; or how dance develops the story, based on the file Saturday night fever 1977..

 Instructions: With a minimum of 900 words, write an essay that answers the prompt in depth and in detail. Consider all three Lessons 4, 5, and 6 as you address each part of the question. Make connections between your thesis statement and each paragraph, providing examples from the resources to illustrate your argument. • Please write your name at the top of your essay. • Your essay will be graded on your ability to demonstrate understanding of the course materials through fully developed, concisely-expressed ideas. • Your essay must describe dances, people, themes, and concepts from the course. These must be selected from the Lesson resources. No outside research or quotes are needed and should not be used. • Select two examples from different Lessons. (I will provide them in the files section) Question 1 (30 points): This assignment is a cold reading of a dance. The internet can easily provide information about a dance piece, its plot, characters and creators, but most often when you see a piece, you are going to want to see it with your own eyes and through the lens of your own experience. Although it may be tempting, do not research this piece–at least, not until you have formed your own thoughts and written your essay. With a minimum 900 word essay, please: **Watch the film Saturday Night Fever 1977 a) Write an introduction that explains your own personal experience of watching the movie below explaining your expectations before watching the film, your thoughts as you watch it, and providing a thesis about this film. If you need help with a thesis then you could explain, from your perspective: • how dance illustrates the American experience and in what ways; • how dance develops the story. b) Lesson 4 example: Choose a dance scene from the movie and describe it. What makes this scene significant for you? How does it develop your thesis? As you describe this scene, compare it to themes, concepts, people and dances from Lesson 4 and include: • In comparison to Lesson 4 explain if this film is a musical. Examine Broadway themes from Lesson 2 as well as how dance is a part of the Broadway musical and its history. • Explain if this film supports the American Myth or the counter-myth from Knapp’s chapters. How are these themes represented in the film and/or in the dance scene? • Describe the form, technique, and structure involved in this one scene. (consider technique as performing a cultural tradition, not about who taught it.) What movements and gestures are part of this dance? What technique(s) seem to be present? Who is represented? • Describe how the dance illustrates or contradicts your thoughts on the American identity and how it compares or contrasts to dances from Lesson 4; c) Lesson 5 or 6 example: Choose a second dance scene from the movie and describe it. What makes this scene significant for you and your discussion? How does it further develop your thesis? As you describe this scene, compare it to themes, concepts, people and dances from Lesson 5 and/or 6 and include: • Describe the form, technique, and structure involved in this one scene. (consider technique as performing a cultural tradition, not about who taught it.) What movements and gestures are part of this dance? What technique(s) seem to be present? Who is represented? • As you describe this scene, compare it to themes, concepts, people and dances from Lessons 5 or 6. For instance, how are concepts of love, romance, gender, or nationality/community explored through social dance in the film and/or this scene? How does this dance address concepts of black culture, disco, hip-hop or competitive ballroom from the Lessons? • Describe how the dance illustrates or contradicts your thoughts on the American identity and how it compares or contrasts to dances from Lessons 5 or 6; d) Develop a conclusion that summarizes your thoughts on the film. Develop your thesis further by comparing both of the dance examples (b and c). What does the dance or film illustrate about society for its historical era. Examine these two examples and any other scenes or dance sections from the movie that stood out to you. Examine the differences between America in the era of the film and the present and what that says about dance and American values.

How dance illustrates the American experience and in what ways; or how dance develops the story, based on the file Saturday night fever 1977.

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