Homeland Security: 2.3 Types of Terrorism

Homeland Security: 2.3 Types of Terrorism.

Research and identify two news articles describing incidents of different types of terrorism. Summarize the incidents, identify the type of terrorism involved in each, and explain how the events and types of terrorism differ.

Sources must be scholarly Skills

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**** Student uses complex, grammatically correct sentences on a regular basis; expresses ideas clearly, concisely, cogently, in logical fashion; uses words that demonstrate a high level of vocabulary; has rare misspellings.

*** Sentences are generally grammatically correct; ideas are readily understood but show signs of disorganization; some transitions between concepts are missing; there are occasional misspellings, especially with homony-Sources must be scholarly Rubric for Content Assessment Total Points Skills **** Demonstrates excellence in grasping key concepts; critiques the work of others; provides ample evidence of support for opinions; readily offers new interpretations of discussion materials. *** Shows evidence of understanding most of the major concepts; is able to agree or disagree when prompted; is skilled in basic level of support for opinions; offers an occasional divergent viewpoint. ** Has mostly shallow grasp of the material; rarely takes a stand on issues; offers inadequate levels of support.

Homeland Security: 2.3 Types of Terrorism

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