Health in the media

Health in the media.

 1.A brief summary (2-4 sentences) of each news story. List the complete APA citation for each article before your summary, as well as the time and date stamp from ‘Discussion’ sign-up. 2. A discussion (500-700 words) of how the health issue is covered by the two media outlets. Your analysis of the two articles should address, but should not limit to, the following questions: Are there differences in the focus and level of detail provided about the health issue? Do the articles consider the determinants of health in this health issue? The story may not use the term ‘determinants of health’, but are the factors that are responsible for and contributed to this health issue discussed? What are they? Do the articles consider the cultural dimensions of this health issue? Do the news stories address any biocultural factors that may have contributed to this health problem? Does the information presented seem valid and accurate? Are the sources of the health information acknowledged?

Health in the media

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